The new leaflet for VINAVIL XT, a range of two-component wood adhesives that comply with the new EN 17619 standard, has been edited and printed. The new standard classifies non-structural wood adhesives for exterior use and fills the regulatory gap that existed for these applications between 'structural' and 'non-structural'. Examples of applications include wood flooring and decking around swimming pools, playgrounds and outdoor furniture, log cabins, etc. The new durability class requires the adhesive not only to have good initial bond strength, but also to maintain it during exposure to harsh environmental conditions (high humidity, freeze-thaw cycles and temperature changes). The new VINAVIL XT range is the result of Vinavil's R&D activities: the specific and innovative formulation of the thermoplastic polymer emulsion, combined with the specific hardener, allows it to withstand the severe conditioning cycles required for the XT5 and XT6 classifications. The two-component adhesive can therefore be used to bond wooden artefacts that have to withstand extreme outdoor conditions, in particular heat and boiling water. The two products are VINAVIL XT 500 and VINAVIL XT 700, to be combined with VINADUR 500 and VINADUR 700 respectively.