October 20, 2021
To create a bigger part of the ensemble, to combine art with play, participation and sustainability.
Vinavil collaborated with the Treviso' Arzy Ca' association near Venice, on the occasion of #700annidiDante. The goal was to pay a tribute to the memory of the Great Poet through the language of creativity: thinking and doing together in a vision of the future built on the awareness of everyday actions.
Recycled from common and various materials, 2 eco-mosaics were created. Leftover fabric, paper and cardboard, soft plastics, old buttons, caps, ribbons and even old earphones no longer usable were crushed into small pieces of 6 colors: green, yellow, blue, red, white and black. These small pieces were then glued with our VINAVIL SPECIAL SCHOOL on different tiles, following the color guide obtained by processing an original photo in a special graphic software. The closing event of this beautiful project took place Saturday, October 9 in Treviso, with the participation of the City of Treviso and other partner companies. Children and passers-by worked together and witnessed live creation of the 2nd eco-mosaic. By putting together 48 colored tiles on a supporting structure of 1.7m x 1.7m, the original photograph of Ponte Dante in Treviso was recomposed, Where the Sile and the Cagnan meet" (Divine Comedy, canto IX of Paradise). The juxtaposition of colors, among the thousands of mosaic tiles, has created an effect of chromatic fusion of the image as an organic whole.
Vinavil, sensitive to the recycling of materials and attentive to the policies of environmental sustainability, was honored to have contributed to this shared cultural work.

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